Why Are Pre-Purchase Building Inspections Needed?

Pre purchase building inspections Charlestown NewcastleWould you buy a car without going for a test drive? By engaging the services of a licenced building inspector you will find out if the property has any flaws that will require immediate expenditure to fix them. This could be a termite infestation, rising damp, electrical faults or structural failures. All these items cost money to fix. In some cases, the cost may take a long time to recover even if the value of the home rises going forward.

A pre-purchase inspection will also give the potential buyer peace of mind knowing they have made the right decision when it comes to one of their biggest lifetime investments.

What is a Pre-Purchase Inspection?

A pre-purchase building inspection assesses the condition of the property in its current state and identifies any issues that may require fixing in the future. Not only is the building structural integrity inspected but also tests are carried out to see if there is any presence of termites or white ants. Our qualified inspectors will provide a written report and list all the faults and give an approximate price on how much these faults could cost to repair.

How Much Does a Pre-Purchase Inspection Cost?

We charge a flat fee of $595. We have worked alongside multiple conveyancers and real estate agents in providing pre-purchase inspections.

What Do We Check on our Inspection?

We not only look for major defects but we check for any minor faults that may be hidden upon an eyeball test.

  • Structural Problems – Both minor and major defects if any
  • Pests – Are there any pest infestations
  • Saftey Hazards – Is there a presence of asbestos
  • Thermal Imagery – Latest thermal imaging cameras
  • 24 Hour Turnaround – Reports and images supplied within 24 hours

Pre-purchase building inspection reports are essential when looking to buy a property. A pre-purchase property inspection report provides you with the crucial information you need to make a sound financial decision. We use two expert inspectors for your pest and building inspections at the same time – convenient for you, and making sure nothing is missed. Our report will give you full transparency on the condition of the property inside and out – outlining the potential risks, allowing you to budget for any renovations and repairs required. Our experienced and fully qualified inspectors will provide you with your comprehensive report within 24 hours of your inspection – for full peace of mind when committing to buy.